HomeHistoryCanadian Contingent Engraved Minimag body

Canadian Contingent Engraved Minimag body

Dr Seuss Minimag Green Eggs and Ham body

This body came from a member of the north Eastern team “Canadian Contingent.”

I received it along with a totally tricked out and engraved cocker, a blue ghost and a beautiful carterized Sterling.
The formers owners cocker was also engraved Dr. Seuss so I think the choice of Green Eggs and Ham must have been a personal favorite.

Luckily this body hasn’t seen much use, I don’t know how well the engraving would hold up. Great graphic Tim!

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  1. Copy of a Phantom with the Dr. Suess Green Eggs and Ham lazer engraved on it. Saw it in 91 at Big Game East. Coolest marker ever. Owner said uncle owned lazer engraving company. Durty Dan wrote about it. I’ve got it on VHS. Still, a piece of history. Hoping it’s the same guy with the Phantom… 3rd of Five.

  2. Hugh, Yes, theo cocker the minimag and the Phantom were all mine. was curious what you have on VHS regarding the minimag? would love to see it


    Doug ” DR SEUSS ” Funicelli


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